Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is Love?

We all crave it. We all seek it in one form or another.
But what is it?

Fairy tale love is what we're fed as youngsters through books and movies. The beautiful girl, the handsome, dashing young man. Wealthy, poor, the wrong side of the tracks, or the right side of the silver spoon. Two people, smiling, dancing, singing, and they live happily ever after.
*screeching record sound*
But that almost never happens, does it?

When I was young, I thought love was someone that wanted to be with you all the time. Someone that liked doing things with you, and someone who you knew would be there.

So now, I'm not so young, and I'm looking for definition.
I know what love is when it comes to my child, my animals, my motorcycle....
They make me happy, I love spending every minute I can with them. But that isn't a real love, it's there, it always will be there, little will change.

Real, two people in a relationship love....define please.
I know what my ideal love is...
Attractive (yes, you have to look at a person you spend every day with and think, yeah, that's good stuff right there!)
Funny, a sense of humor is a must
Generous, not money, but with themselves...time, giving, caring, etc
Considerate. Someone who puts me first, and is thinking about how I feel...because I tend to worry about others more than myself, so it would be nice for someone to think about me
Passionate. Someone who dives in with both feet and gives themselves fully
Compassionate, caring for all those around them.
Smart, interesting to talk to.
A good cook would be great...I consider myself to be, but it'd be nice to be cooked for too!
Social, because antisocial people suck!
Strong and brave.I want to feel HELD and safe.
Dedicated and Loyal
Trustworthy, of course
Loves animals, and riding, a must!

So, I think someone who wants to be with you as much as they can, who thinks about you all the time, and likes to let you know they think about you, someone who calls just because, and can't wait to see you, someone who thinks everything you do is cute, funny, intersting, smart, wonderful, someone that wants to be close and in contact all the time, someone that you know has your back, and who you want to share every little thing and every big thing there is and you can't wait to talk to them, someone who is the center of your universe, and who makes you feel like you're the center of theirs....i think THAT'S love.

But the question that lasting? Are two people supposed to feel that way for all eternity? I think so. But I'm jaded, I don't know if that's a reasonable expectation. Can two people keep feeling that way about eachother for that long? I don't know. So far, I haven't found that to be so.

Love is a crapshoot, the odds are against you, but if you win, you're damned lucky I guess.

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