Friday, November 13, 2009

What do you do?

Please post comments....i'm taking advice!

What do you do about....
A coworker who continually pretends to be busy, all the while you're busting your ass, and having to pick up their slack?

A coworker who can't handle more than one thing at a time and has to run back and get someone because she's 'busy' holding a piece of paper or something ridiculous, but when you're genuinely visibly busy, doesn't bother to help out...and insists that she can 'multi task with the best of them'

a coworker who:
constantly has snide underhanded remarks
has a wickedly spiteful immature 'tit for tat' mentality
will stop at nothing to sabbotage things u do to get u in trouble
continually waves any mistake u make in ur face and to others
drags clients into her little 'points' to be made to make herself look better and you look bad
always has an explanation of why she's doing something or has to get someone else's answer so that she can exclude herself from any blame at all
(and the above coworker is all ONE person.....aka the 'office bitch')

coworkers who stop working the minute u get to work because they've worked hard all day and it's time to relax now that you're here

a boss who's management philosophy is out of sight, out of mind

a boss who is never really there to see how bad it really is

A boss who's answer often is "enter office bitch name here" is "enter office bitch name here" and she isn't going to change, just do ur job and don't let it get to you.

Which is all fine and dandy, but taking the high road and doing that only makes her get worse, and take more advantage of you, and increases YOUR workload, so it DOES affect your work!

a boss who won't fire anyone because it's too much trouble
a boss who would rather just hire another person to help when someone can't keep up with their work, but expects you to do all the work yourself, and you're already busting your ass all day long?
but when you ask for a raise, there isn't 'enough cashflow for additional hours or pay"

A boss who can't afford to give you more hours or more pay, but his wife spends ridiculous ammounts of cash on crazy stuff 'just because' silly pens, sticky notes to give away, $800 for 6 wooden dining room chairs for the waiting room, etc
who pays for their daughter & husbands expenses, who paid for the son in law to go to a different doctor for broken leg surgery because they didn't like the doctors his insurance would pay for.

a boss who pays those 'coworkers' who take breaks and sabbotage, and who have been there for years and years, more than you, but you literally do 3 - 4 times the work the others do?

it's war at work
then you go home, and it's war at home (i've already covered the why it's war at home part, i won't go on about it past posts lol)
what do you do?
what do i want to do?

If quitting your job, and quitting your life isn't an option, how do you make all of the above ok without giving the people around you permission to do what they do and continually take advantage of the fact that you'll do nothing or 'take the high road'?

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