One thing I've discovered that you learn as you age is that you cannot judge the behaviors of others based on what you would or would never do. With age (usually) comes the wisdom that unless you've been in that person's place, having had that person's feelings and experiences, you absolutely cannot accurately say what you would do!
"It's easy for people to say I would never do that", or "I would never stand for that", or "I draw the line at, and would never cross it". Never say never.
It is easy to sit and judge from the safety of your ideal mindset.
I had a friend who said I would never allow a cat to stay in my house if it urinated out of the litter box. That cat would be so dead, I'd have it put to sleep. (A cat lover, mind you). She now has a beautiful miniature pedigree that she has paid a lot of cash for, and has fallen in love with completely. You learn to make another exception. You put another blanket on the couch, you buy a carpet cleaner, you invest in solvents, anything you can think of to make it not so bad.
Another friend of mine has a sibling that was cheated on by their first spouse. Her stand is I do not tolerate cheating. I'm sorry but you just don't do that. Even talking to someone in an intimate conversation is cheating. Seriously contemplating cheating is cheating! Ok, we all have a moral compass, and on it is cheating. But we all have our degrees. Some draw the hardest, farthest, boldest line in the sand. Others, it's not so permanent. They move the line over because they're leaving the person they're with right now. Or they fell hopelessly madly in love with this person and couldn't control what happened. Maybe their spouse is a controlling, abusive, rapist bastard, and the only way out of it was to find someone to help them, monetarily, courage-wise, strength-wise. Right or wrong, good or bad, it is done all the time. Don't get me wrong, there are still predators out there forging internet and interpersonal relationships with whomever they can find, and there are people out there with stories so horrific that they're collecting people to feel sorry for them. Those are the wrongest of the wrong....and there are the rightest of the right who drew the line at never ever ever ever....and then there are all of those in the grey area in between.
And then there is the person who says you just have to bite the bullet and give a child tough love. KICK THEM OUT, etc. What about the parent of a child who has been less than tolerable througout all of his adolescence and is now an 'adult' living off of his parents, taking them for a ride, unemployed for over a year, not making more than half an effort to get a life. Hanging out with his friends until wee hours of the morning. Sleeping past noon. Collecting tickets, getting arrested, costing them legal bills to get him out of jail and to get a lawyer to clean up his license so he can still find and get to a job.
You know that he's just doing more stuff because he's depressed and feels like a loser so why bother raising anyone's isn't going to get any better than know... the FUCK IT mentality kind of young man who is his own worst enemy and refuses to see it. He blames everyone else for his problems. He steals money from his parents because they have everything and they deny me everything all the time....The cops are assholes with nothing better to do than harass us....and the judge is a prick to everyone...and the guy I just rearended started to go and then just slammed on his brakes for no reason...and I haven't paid my insurance since July (because he'd rather pay the cell phone bill and get fast food with his pals) and the stupid insurance company won't let me pay them up now so that they cover this accident. Everybody is a fucking asshole who are on this earth just to hold him down and piss him off, he can't catch a break so why bother with anything. Maybe one parent has been trying to lay down consequences and teach lessons, but someone else comes around and helps them behind their back. What if that lesson would've been learned if they hadn't screwed it up like that?
Here's the line in the sand....let him suffer the loss of his license, and you know it's just one more excuse not to bother trying to get a job. Pay the lawyer bill and accident so he can get a job and hope he does? Kick him out of the house for being a freeloader, and risk the chance that he'll end up doing something so much worse than what he has been doing. What is a parent to do?
I know it's easy to draw those lines and say I would or I would nevers...and some of you may have even been there before. But none of you have ever been in that other person's shoes with their feelings and experiences.
Maybe that 'other' person is the soul mate you've been looking for your whole life and you never intended it to go that way at all, but it did, and maybe they're just screwing around because they can..
Maybe that boy is the only family that parent has left, and maybe they're so afraid of losing them or making them worse...
Maybe that cat is the only joy in that person's whole life...or maybe they're just too afraid of feeling the pain of letting it go///
My point is, it may be wrong to you, but it isn't you that you are judging.
Isn't it the best that you can do, if you truly love a 'friend' is to listen, offer support, and try to understand? And offer advice, IF, and that's a big IF it is welcomed...
and come from a place of compassion, and not judgement?
Just a thought.
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