Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear Mom

I have to do something that I don't want to do this Saturday. I have to celebrate Mother's Day. I have chosen not to since I lost my Mom a few years ago. I don't want to go out amongst those celebrating their Mom's. It's selfish, but I can't do it without reducing myself to a pile of tear filled tissues. But, my cousin had a new baby, and we have to get together this weekend. I'm dreading it. The emotions I'll have will be too hard to keep at bay. I'm pretty good at holding the pieces together, but I'm not sure I can this time. So, I thought maybe if I wrote a letter to my Mom ahead of time, it would maybe let some of the steam out of the pressure here goes:

Dear Mom
I miss you so much there aren't words enough to say.
You were my hero and I didn't even know it. You were strong enough to leave an abusive relationship, not for yourself, but for me. You saved yourself because of your maternal need to save your child from harm. You were the original Working Single Mother. I am a Mother, and I cannot imagine the feelings and fears you must have had, worrying about bills and raising a child, all the while working downtown Chicago, making it on your own. I don't remember wanting for anything during those early difficult times, so you must have sacrificed so much for my happiness' sake. And for that I am eternally grateful. Single working Mothers were few and far between back in 1974, you were a trail blazer. You never remarried, and, as far as I know, never had another relationship after the divorce, so I can't even begin to fathom the lonliness you must have felt for those 30+ years. But I feel lonely and lost without you now, so I can imagine to a degree.

Mother's Day isn't the same without you. When I had to admit you to the nursing home, I almost had a mental breakdown right there in the hallway. Going there to have luncheons with you on Mother's Day and holidays, I thought I was sad then.

I am sad now, however it is a more profound feeling than just sad. It's a deep gaping hole in my, it's in my soul. There isn't much to our little family. Your brother who makes an appearance every couple of years, and your sister who tries to remember to call and check on me here and there, but has her own life with her new husband and new family. And of course, my Son, your Grandson...well, I hope that one day he comes around and decides he understands what he's doing and starts respecting himself and those around him. Maybe one day he'll come around and love his Mother again. I am truly sorry if I ever made you feel even a fraction of the disappointment or unhappiness that he has made me feel growing up. Aside from having a few friends you didn't approve of, and a snide remark here and there though, I think we were ok, right?

You've been gone 3 years now, and it still hurts like yesterday, I'm just better at stuffing it in than I was before. I still feel like I'm 5 years old and lost in the mall again. Only now, I know that there isn't anyone to save me. Right after you passed, my first words were, "Now what am I supposed to do." I meant about the whole nursing home, belongings, funeral, arrangements, etc...but also the who am I without you part too. No Dad, well not one that will ever be in my life, he's proven that...both Grandparents deceased, and no Mother....
Having your family leave one by one, feels like there are threads connecting you, holding you down to the earth, and each time one dies, a thread gets cut. Mom, when I lost you it felt like the last single thread holding me down to existence was cut, and I'm now floating aimlessly in space, unsure or unable to get to where I belong, and unable to find where I came from, and no one to reach out to show me the way.

I miss's a insignificant little word...until now. Now I know better.

Anyway, another Mother's Day that I won't celebrate in the traditional way. I don't do that anymore. Too many people out there with their Mom's and Grandparents, happy and living...I'm happy for them, but I can't watch it, not on Mother's Day.
I will go do something that will make me 'happy'. But you and how much I miss you will never be off my mind.

I loved you, even when I didn't show it enough
I needed you, even when I pushed you away
And I miss you, and will miss you even when it's been too many years to count
Your Only Child

*note to my blog readers*
I share this letter with you, not only to share the thoughts in my head, but to remind you all to Love, Honor and Cherish your Mother, no matter what your circumstances with her are. Because when she is gone, it's all gone. You'll have a question about the family past, or some silly thing way before your time, and your first instinct will be I need to ask...and will hit you...there isn't anyone left to answer that....that tidbit of trivia that you just pondered will never be answered, it's gone now. GONE
It's been years now, and that sort of thing still happens to me all the time.
The missing is forever missing....your soul is missing a piece, and you will not get it back until you are reunited in the afterlife. Don't wait until then, to enjoy and savor what you have here and now while you still can
Happy Mother's Day

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