The whole purpose of this blog is to purge what’s been on my mind…so as boring as work problems here, here goes:
I bust my ass at work, it’s my nature, when we’re busy, I work double time. I like being a part of solutions to better things and make things easier. I created a lot of professional looking documents at home on my laptop, and for over a year, I was bringing my laptop to work because we don’t have computers…until I finally convinced them to buy a cheap laptop.
So…here’s my issue:
I work with a receptionist who has been there over 27 years, she’s used to the old country ways of a sleepy quiet town, she knows everyone and talks to EVERYONE. Great, but that’s ALL she does. I’ve ranted about her before, she carries around papers to make her look like she’s doing something so she can ignore everything else going on around her because she’s ‘busy’. She does little to nothing in the way of working. The other receptionist is a spiteful, clueless dimwit, ‘nuff said. If I go hoover my lunch (while answering phones and everything else) she will come in the next day with a full meal & read a magazine, just because I ate lunch.
The day kennel help, spends most of her time up front babysitting the 27+ yr office bitch, and avoiding anything she can in the way of work. Her daughter is the afternoon kennel help, she texts, and reads each and every newspaper before she lines the kennels with them.
For a little while I was cutting my work performance down because complaining wasn’t getting a thing, so if they were going to get all the perks, screw it. Then I was ‘spoken to’ and told that my raise would reflect it…HAH next thing a few months later…Boss says money is tight so no raises for anyone last year, but gave us bonuses…but everyone got the SAME bonus.
This spring Boss is remodeling his kitchen and the basement. (I realize that is a boss’s prerogative, however if you’re telling your workers there’s no money, you should probably keep your renovation plans to yourself.)
In January this year, I got screwed out of a sick day, because it wasn’t April yet and my start date was April 1st. Ok, but last year when I got sick in January they only paid me 2 sick days because they suddenly decided there was a cap on sick days, when before there wasn’t. So a few weeks ago, the day kennel help who does little to nothing of her job, gets sick and lands in the hospital for a while, and they pay her 3 WEEKS of sick days! I understand being sick for weeks is a hardship, and it’s great that they did that for her, but it’s equally as BAD that they argued semantics with me over a sick day taken too early, and I wasn’t even asking for something that was in addition to what I was supposed to have COMING to me.
Add to all the above that the management has an out of sight out of mind business philosophy and won’t fire anyone, no matter how bad they are, because they might look bad….and I’m always the one he comes to when he wants something do because he knows I’ll make sure to get it done, so I’m always the one being told what to do, while the others are getting away with doing NOTHING because they can.
So, here is my dilemma, the others get paid more than I do, and I do more work than they do…3-4 times more work. I thoroughly believe that I am worth more. It is not in my nature to stand up and say I “deserve” ….so I’ve been putting it off…..but it’s really getting ridiculous!
I need pep talks to get brave & stand up for what I believe!
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